cleanerWe are very tolerant and correct to our customers and our aim is to collaborate successively with them. The company has given trust to a qualified team of cleaners that are capable of dealing with all sorts of cleaning problems that may appear. We have ensured very appropriate preliminary trainings for each of our workers because we know that the right qualification in this industry is a must. The company offers a great diversity of cleaning procedures with exceptionally reasonable prices.

We believe that the passion and the great motivation that we possess are very important factor in accomplishing astonishing results in the cleaning services. We rely on cleaning products that are biodegradable and that are suitable for removing stains, dirt and anything that should be cleaned in the proper way.

CleanFlat Ltd. has been specializing for a long time innovative methods and approaches in the search for more effective ways to struggle with severe spots and for better sanitizing of the premises. We guarantee that these methods are completely safe and are perfect for solving a variety of cleaning problems.


We offer very suitable working time that includes even the weekends, and for that reason our customers are fully content with their choice. Apart from this we have special offers that should not be missed in any way. We provide additional cleaning packages for those of you who have more particular preferences and wishes.

CleanFlat Ltd. has not unmentioned prices that will surprise you when time for payment comes. Just on the contrary, we are strict in our arrangements and do not want to mislead our customers. To be supplied with more information we offer them a friendly customer support centres, where they could ask all of their questions.